The woman who has most inspired me is my mom. I know it's cliche but it's true. She's a realluy strong passionate woman, and she's inspired me to be better.
If a witch turned me into a living portrait I would probably look like the Scream by that one guy.
I would have a Dragon, that way, it can breathe fire on my enemies and keep me warm at night. Duh.
I would make a spell that turns me invisible so i can hide from life and scary things. I would call it, The Invisible Genevieve.
In three years I see myself graduating high school, five, starting college. And ten, graduating college. September 15 - November 2. No. I wasn't looking very hard.
Hmm... I would probably use the words... "Ugh. mmmm, sigh, fun, hard". I really just need a nap.
Personally, I would love to visit Romania. It's a beautiful place, it's out of the way, and to me,vi feel like it has this sort of strange romanticism to it, it's just amazing.